When hearing the salacious details of someone’s life, situation or character ask yourself…is the source of this information reliable? Credible? Does your gut tell you differently? What are the persons motives in the telling?
One of the many things I’ve learned through my time on earth and in being in the Spiritual industries is to really feel into what’s being presented and dig below the surface. X – Ray vision for the soul, so to speak. At times it’s been very difficult to peel back the layers, other times crystal clear.
Does it feel off kilter? Does something feel like it’s missing? Are there a myriad of undercurrents?
The more time you spend busy working on yourself, knowing yourself and loving yourself, coming back to you and what you feel, see or hear, the more inclined you will be to recognise and accept others for who they truly are, at their soul level. The good, the bad and the ugly.
For sometimes the wolf comes dressed in sheeps clothing and other times the “big bad wolf” is just crying out for love.
Deb xoxo