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Welcome to Deborah’s unique, down-to-earth and honest portrayal of the life of an intuitive along with channeled messages, spiritual observations and lashings of astro lore for everyone to enjoy.
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When Deborah knew she was connecting to Spirit...
When surrounded with drama, see it for what it is, an energy grab and…seek peace. ...
And so it is. A Scorpio King of the United Kingdom, crowned off the back of a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse.In the spirit of a lunar eclipse, one door closes firmly shut and another cracks open....
I said that sometimes we need to visit the past, to let the memories stir us, to make sense of the present and move towards the future. She agreed wholeheartedly. ...
It’s a double edged sword you see? But one which I wield with profound gratitude. For this path has been very, very long fought and incredibly hard won. It is a part of my essence. My light. And a persons essence, soul or Spirit is something which cannot be taken. Only given with their permission....
Even the most spiritual / learned / intellectual amongst us are still having a human experience. That’s what we signed up for…yeah? The trip up comes when you don’t allow for any flaws within yourself ( good luck with that ) or get nice and comfy on your pedestal by judging or critiquing another’s life. None of us are without flaws. Strive for excellence. Perfection? Doesn’t exist....
It’s the part of you that tells bullies to step off, gets you out of bed in the morning, works tirelessly towards a goal, fights for and protects what it loves. It’s the part of you that whispers or screams …” I will not abandon myself, I will not abandon myself, I will not abandon myself. “...
Late last night I was flicking through TV channels and came across a ghost hunter program. The investigators were shouting at those long passed, presumably to get a rise out of them. It was chaotic and sort of rude....
The more time you spend busy working on yourself, knowing yourself and loving yourself, coming back to you and what you feel, see or hear, the more inclined you will be to recognise and accept others for who they truly are, at their soul level. The good, the bad and the ugly. ...
This a great time for chilling the bleep out, getting finances sorted, replenishing your energies and bolstering your reserves. What deserves your undivided attention?...