I had a client say recently “ please don’t judge me “, before explaining a totally natural predicament. The vulnerability in their voice was touching.
Fun fact…psychics are people too. Anyone who really knows me knows my determined, deeply private side and the need to do it all by myself. I hate asking for help. HATE IT. They also know of my potty mouth which has been heard across 5 continents. As my grandma would say I “ could make a bullocky blush”.
Look, we all eff up. Everyone. Daily. Like when I was new to Zoom and got my hand caught in a drawer. I mean really caught, like breaking my hand kinda caught along with ALL the appropriate language. All whilst my lovely client was patiently sitting there privy to the shite show.
Or the time I was so bloody tired from being up all night with infant twins that I forgot I’d read for the lady in front of me like ohhhhhh, about 5 times already. Smooooooth Deb.
Even the most spiritual / learned / intellectual amongst us are still having a human experience. That’s what we signed up for…yeah?
The trip up comes when you don’t allow for any flaws within yourself ( good luck with that ) or get nice and comfy on your pedestal by judging or critiquing another’s life. None of us are without flaws.
Strive for excellence. Perfection? Doesn’t exist.
What I can promise is complete honesty with you about anything that is coming through or just in general for that matter. I will not tell you things that I don’t see/ hear / feel. I will not bullshite you. You will have my full and undivided attention. I will show up completely.
All I ask is for you to do the same. To show up. Completely, sans B.S.
And watch the conversation bloom.
And P.S. …Judgement doesn’t sit at this table.
Have a great week m’lovelies.
Deb xoxo